In recent years, the world has witnessed a growing interest in sustainable tourism, with travelers seeking eco-friendly destinations that promote conservation, respect local communities, and minimize their environmental impact. As responsible global citizens, it is essential for us to support destinations that prioritize sustainability and preservation of natural and cultural resources. Let’s delve into some remarkable eco-friendly travel destinations that exemplify sustainable tourism practices, providing not only memorable experiences for visitors but also a positive impact on the planet and its people.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica has long been a champion of sustainable tourism, earning a reputation as a leader in eco-friendly travel. The country is home to an impressive 29 national parks, various protected areas, and an ambitious commitment to renewable energy. Travelers can immerse themselves in lush rainforests, spot a wide range of wildlife, and explore breathtaking landscapes. Moreover, many eco-lodges and resorts in Costa Rica are designed with sustainability in mind, implementing practices such as recycling, energy conservation, and local community involvement.

Costa Rica has allocated over 25% of its land as protected areas, showcasing its commitment to preserving biodiversity and natural habitats. These protected areas offer tourists the opportunity to experience the country’s incredible wildlife, lush rainforests, and diverse ecosystems while supporting conservation efforts and sustainable tourism practices.


Nestled in the Eastern Himalayas, Bhutan is renowned for its unique approach to measuring progress through Gross National Happiness (GNH) rather than GDP. This philosophy extends to their tourism industry, which is carefully regulated to ensure the preservation of the country’s culture and environment. Visitors to Bhutan must pay a daily fee, which includes accommodation, meals, and a sustainable development fund that goes towards education, healthcare, and conservation efforts. The country’s commitment to maintaining a pristine environment and preserving its cultural heritage makes it an exceptional eco-friendly destination.

Bhutan in the field of tourism has its unique policy of “High-Value, Low-Impact Tourism” (HVLI). Bhutan limits the number of tourists allowed to enter the country each year, ensuring that tourism remains sustainable and does not negatively impact the environment, culture, and local communities. This approach helps preserve Bhutan’s pristine landscapes, rich culture, and traditional way of life while offering visitors an authentic and immersive experience.


Eco-Friendly Travel Destinations

Iceland’s otherworldly landscapes make it a popular travel destination, but the country’s commitment to sustainability sets it apart. Nearly all of Iceland’s energy is sourced from renewable resources such as geothermal and hydroelectric power. Travelers can explore stunning glaciers, geysers, and volcanoes while participating in eco-conscious activities like geothermal spas and responsible whale watching tours. Additionally, Iceland promotes a “leave no trace” approach, encouraging visitors to respect nature and its delicate ecosystems.

Icelandic operators adhere to strict guidelines to ensure minimal disturbance to marine life, promoting sustainable tourism and conservation of these majestic creatures.

New Zealand

New Zealand’s breathtaking scenery and diverse ecosystems make it a paradise for eco-conscious travelers. The country has numerous national parks, marine reserves, and protected areas, and it actively promotes conservation and environmental initiatives. Travelers can engage in sustainable activities such as hiking, wildlife spotting, and eco-tours that support local communities and protect the natural environment.

Implementation of the Tiaki Promise by New Zealand

The Tiaki Promise, launched in 2018, is a collaborative initiative by New Zealand’s tourism industry, government agencies, and indigenous Maori communities. It is a commitment to responsible and sustainable tourism, with a focus on preserving the country’s natural and cultural heritage for future generations.

The Tiaki Promise encourages both locals and international visitors to take an active role in protecting New Zealand’s pristine environment and respecting its rich Maori culture. The promise consists of a set of guiding principles and simple actions that travelers are encouraged to follow during their time in New Zealand.

Eco-Friendly Travel Destinations

@Milford Sound, New Zealand

Eco-Friendly Travel Destinations

@Lake Pukaki, New Zealand

Some of the key aspects of the Tiaki Promise include:

Respecting Nature: Travelers are encouraged to leave no trace and to tread lightly on the land. This means being mindful of the environment, not littering, and following designated trails to avoid damaging sensitive ecosystems.

Caring for Water: New Zealand is renowned for its beautiful lakes, rivers, and marine environments. The Tiaki Promise calls for responsible water use, including avoiding polluting water sources and respecting marine wildlife during activities like diving and snorkeling.

Supporting Communities: Travelers are encouraged to learn about and engage with local communities, including Maori communities, in a respectful and culturally sensitive manner. This helps to promote understanding and appreciation of New Zealand’s diverse cultures and traditions.

Driving Safely and Responsibly: New Zealand has stunning landscapes best explored by road, but the Tiaki Promise emphasizes responsible driving to reduce the impact of tourism on the environment and ensure the safety of both travelers and wildlife.

The Tiaki Promise serves as a powerful reminder to travelers that they play a crucial role in preserving New Zealand’s natural and cultural assets. By following the principles of the promise, tourists can help protect the country’s fragile ecosystems, support local communities, and contribute to sustainable tourism practices.

The Tiaki Promise has been widely embraced by the tourism industry, and it has become an essential aspect of New Zealand’s tourism brand. By promoting responsible tourism, New Zealand is demonstrating its commitment to safeguarding its unique landscapes, wildlife, and indigenous heritage, setting an example for other destinations to follow suit in their efforts to promote eco-friendly tourism.


This small island nation in the western Pacific Ocean has become a trailblazer in sustainable tourism. Palau’s “Pristine Paradise Palau” initiative aims to protect its marine environment and natural resources while encouraging responsible tourism. The country has established the world’s first shark sanctuary, banned harmful sunscreen to protect coral reefs, and encourages visitors to sign an eco-pledge before entering the country, committing to environmentally friendly practices.

Palau, a small island nation in the western Pacific Ocean, relies heavily on its pristine marine ecosystems for tourism. To safeguard these valuable natural resources, the Palauan government launched the “Pristine Paradise Palau” initiative in 2018. This groundbreaking initiative aims to preserve and protect Palau’s oceans and marine life from the damaging effects of mass tourism while promoting sustainable practices.

Eco-Friendly Travel Destinations

@Palau-Inseln, Oceania, Western Pacific

 One of the key components of the initiative is the establishment of the world’s first shark sanctuary in Palau’s waters. This sanctuary encompasses an area of approximately 600,000 square kilometers, making it one of the largest protected marine areas globally. By designating this vast expanse as a sanctuary, Palau has banned all commercial shark fishing within its waters, providing a safe haven for various shark species that are critical to the marine ecosystem.

Additionally, the “Pristine Paradise Palau” initiative includes measures to combat the harmful impact of sunscreen on coral reefs. Palau has banned the use of sunscreen containing specific chemicals that are known to contribute to coral bleaching and damage. This move aims to protect the fragile coral reefs surrounding the islands, which are essential for marine biodiversity and a major draw for tourists seeking world-class snorkeling and diving experiences.

Furthermore, the Palauan government actively encourages visitors to sign an eco-pledge upon arrival. The eco-pledge is a commitment made by tourists to practice sustainable and responsible tourism during their stay in Palau. It includes guidelines on reef-friendly behavior, waste reduction, and respecting the local culture and traditions. This initiative helps raise awareness among tourists about the importance of preserving Palau’s natural beauty and cultural heritage for future generations.

By implementing the “Pristine Paradise Palau” initiative and taking concrete steps to protect its marine environment, Palau has become a shining example of how a small island nation can lead the way in sustainable tourism practices. Through these efforts, Palau is not only safeguarding its own unique natural wonders but also setting a precedent for other destinations worldwide to adopt eco-friendly measures in the field of tourism.


Norway is renowned for its dramatic fjords, majestic mountains, and pristine wilderness. The country places a strong emphasis on sustainable practices, including eco-friendly accommodations, electric transportation, and waste reduction. Additionally, Norway is a leader in responsible wildlife tourism, offering opportunities to see animals like whales and reindeer in their natural habitats with a focus on conservation and education.

Norway has taken an eco-friendly step in the field of tourism by promoting electric transportation for tourists visiting popular destinations.


 Norway is a pioneer in electric mobility, and the country has been actively working towards reducing carbon emissions from transportation. This commitment extends to the tourism sector as well. In many tourist hotspots, you’ll find an abundance of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations and an emphasis on electric transport options for tourists.

For instance, in cities like Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim, rental car agencies offer a significant number of electric cars for tourists to explore the country. Electric buses are also becoming more prevalent in urban areas and for transportation between tourist attractions. Furthermore, Norway encourages tourists to use electric bikes as a sustainable way to explore nature trails and scenic routes.

One exceptional example is Norway’s efforts in the iconic tourist destination, the Flam Valley (Flåm in Norwegian). Flam is a stunningly picturesque area that attracts numerous visitors due to its scenic railway and breathtaking fjords. To minimize the environmental impact of tourism in this region, the Flåm Railway introduced the use of electric trains, eliminating diesel-powered locomotives. The transition to electric trains significantly reduces air and noise pollution, allowing tourists to enjoy the natural beauty of the valley without harming the environment.

By promoting electric transportation options, Norway demonstrates its commitment to sustainable tourism and its role as a leader in eco-friendly initiatives. These efforts not only reduce the carbon footprint of tourism but also serve as an inspiration for other countries to follow suit in adopting environmentally conscious practices within their own tourism sectors.

As conscientious travellers, we have the power to support and promote sustainable tourism destinations that prioritize the well-being of the environment and local communities. By choosing eco-friendly travel destinations like Costa Rica, Bhutan, Iceland, New Zealand, Palau, and Norway, we can contribute to the preservation of our planet’s natural and cultural treasures.

Sustainable tourism not only allows us to experience the wonders of the world but also ensures that future generations can enjoy them too. Let’s embark on our journeys with an eco-conscious mindset and make a positive impact on the world as we explore these remarkable destinations.

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