Positivity should be taught to kids in their early years. To become a good humanitarian, there should be a strong foundation. As kids like to hear stories, books are the best way to build positivity, courage, and confidence in kids. Here are few best books which motivates children and builds positive energy and mindfulness in them.
After The Fall
“After The Fall”, is beautifully written by Caldecott Medalist Dan Santat. Everyone might be knowing a wonderful poem “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall” but, what happened after the fall is perfectly explained in this book. Humpty Dumpty, an avid bird watcher always climbed the great walls but, after his fall, how he gained confidence to come back in his life is all in this book. The author tells that “Life begins when you get back up”. It motivates young kids how to face fear with courage. This picture book is easily understandable by kids. It is a great book to build confidence and positive energy in children.
The Energy Bus
The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon is a great inspirational book which tell the kids to always stay positive to overcome the challenges. Every kid will be bullied in one or the other way and thus they get surrounded by negativity and lose confidence. The author gives courage to these kids and tell how to overcome negativity and face everyday challenges in life. The author also tells that life is a journey and in this journey, you will be meeting new people. It teaches kids how to love the people surrounding them in this life journey. It is a good motivational book which leads the kids to new vision and positivity.
The Most Magnificent Thing
The Most Magnificent Thing is the great inspiring book for children written by Ashley Spires. This is the best picture book which tells about the creation of the little girl with her pet dog. The girl while building her magnificent thing, fails many times and finally with the help of her dog, she become success. This book is a great motivational book for kids which teaches them that success does not come easily, many failure attempts leads to success. One should not get depressed by the failure rather should look at the problem in a different perspective. It gives the message for the readers that patient, perseverance and creativity leads to success. The excellent narration helps the kids to build positive energy and self-confidence.
The Dot
The Dot written by Peter H. Reynolds is a great motivational book to showcase the hidden talent in children. This books tells the story of a little girl, Vashti, who thinks she cannot draw. During her art class, when the teacher tells her to draw, she just keeps a dot saying that she does not know to draw. Later, her teacher shows how to make a wonder from that dot. It is a best book to build confidence and courage in children. Every kid has a creativity in them, it just needs little encouragement and confidence to find the creativity. It is a simple book which teaches great meaning in life. Every kid should read this book to build positivity in them.
Beautiful Oops
Beautiful Oops, by Barney Saltzberg is a best picture book that tells the children that it is okay to make a mistake. Author tells the reader that no one is perfect in this life, each one has made a mistake but, mistakes can be corrected. One has to think in a creative way to correct the mistake. Every mistake is a great opportunity to build something beautiful out of it. The transformation of blunder to wonder is beautifully explained in this book. It motivate the kids to become creative and learn from their mistakes. It builds confidence, creativity and positive energy in kids.
It’s Okay To Be Different
It’s Okay To Be Different written by Todd Parr is a beautiful book which explains the children that being oneself is nothing harm. Everyone are different from others both mentally and physically. The author tells children that being different from others should not create negativity. One should accept, understand and gain confidence to stand out from others. This book creates positive energy in kids and children will love and care their friends who are different from others. It is the best motivational book which teaches the acceptance and care towards everybody in the early age.
These books help your children to develop creativity, focus, courage, confidence and positivity at the early age. These picture books attract kids and are easily understandable. They are the perfect gift option to kids.

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Image Credit: Photo by Josh Applegate on Unsplash