Looking for quality time to spend with your loved ones? Then plan for an outdoor camping, which offers you a great time with your family and friends while making new and adventurous memories.
Outdoor camping gives you a lot of room to explore and try new things depending on the place which you have chosen for having fun.
After going through many outdoor gear reviews it is clear that like other outdoor tours, camping also needs some prior homework like a first aid kit, eatables, and other essential gear which help in making your camping stress-free and full of buzzes.
Check out the 5 craziest things you can try on your outdoor camping for making it memorable:
- Kitesurfing
This activity can add a plus to your camping if you are a water baby and love the beauty of blue water and splashes on your face. You can go for this pastime if you are camping on a beach where kitesurfing is available. It is a kind of sport in which you ride on a well-designed surfboard, holding a specially designed kite. This whole activity is based on wind force. Gears needed for kite surfing are a helmet, wetsuit, harness, life jacket, board, lines, kite and lastly a kite controlling device.
- Cliff jumping
Cliff jumping can be fun with friends while outdoor camping near mountains and deep waters. It needs great will-power to make a jump from a height into deep water which can be cold like ice. You should check for, rocks and other obstacles before diving, the amount of water should be significant, and also dress properly. Make a safe cliff dive from a height ranging from 20 feet to 50 feet and water depth should be 8 to 10 feet of cliff height only.
- Mountain biking
It is yet another adventurous sport or activity you can add to your camping if you enjoying in the lap of Mother Nature. For this, you must have the staple gear which is a bike. Other gears are also essential like a helmet, first aid kit, eatable, gloves, sunglasses etc. as you have to ride through uneven tracks in forests and hills.
- White-water rafting
Perfect outdoor activity for those who love thrills. Big splashes of water, high bounces, and continuous rafting efforts give white-water rafting an edge. While camping near a river, one should give a try to this activity but under proper supervision. Others will also join you here as this is a team game, not solo. Gear needed for rafting is a swimsuit, shoes, helmet, sunscreen, towel and an extra pair of dry clothes.
- Hot air balloon
Hot air balloon can be the perfect choice to opt for if you love the blue sky and wants to see the beauty of the earth from a significant height while enjoying with your family. According to outdoor gear reviews binoculars, sun protection, camera, comfy shoes, and few eatables are useful gears to carry while preparing for a hot air balloon ride which ensure an unforgettable and enjoyable experience forever.
Good luck!
Author Bio: Tonya Carroll is a freelance writer and an adventure blogger. She is fun loving and ambitious female who loves to go on outdoor adventures and sharing her experiences through honestblog posts. She has done hiking, biking, fishing and many such adventures around the world and aims to inspire fellow adventurers to get the best experience.
Photo by Alan Caldwell from Pexels