Equipping your backyard with an exciting water feature is the best way to introduce something nice and visually attractive into your life and enjoy it every day of the week. However, while all fountains elevate the aesthetic appeal of your backyard, not all are the same when it comes to their looks, materials and performance. That’s why picking the right fountain can be harder than it seems, but here are a couple of tips that might help you through the process.
Pick the type
The easiest way to see how different fountains can get is by looking at their different types – from spouting and Japanese to swimming pool and disappearing fountains, you can literally go in a million different directions when picking the type of your new outdoor water feature. Three basic types most people go for, though, include wall, free-standing and tabletop, so these might be the ones you too should start with and then explore other ideas.
Pick the style
Once you decide what type of fountain you prefer the most, it’s time to pick the style as well – and this part of the job isn’t going to be any easier! Whether it’s a fountain in a rock or the one with a couple of tiers, you can really express your inner sense of style with this choice. If you manage to find the right fountain, you’ll be able to show the people in your area who you are and what sort of style you prefer the most. You can also choose different ornaments and décor that’s going to make your fountain extra unique and make sure your backyard is the most beautiful one in the entire neighborhood.
Pick the material
Depending on your choice of type and style, you can explore various materials for your new fountain – some of the most popular ones include stone, ceramic, fiberglass and metal, while more and more people opt for more extravagant options such as copper, brass and resin. Basically, whichever of these you finally pick, you’re going to find it’s durable, water-resistant and easy to maintain, so go with the option that seems the most appealing, and you definitely won’t make a mistake.
How to maintain a fountain?
This is one of the most important questions when it comes to fountains – how to maintain them and make sure their hygiene is always at the highest level? Unless you want your fountain to deteriorate and starts being filthy after just a year or two, you have to think about sanitizing it as well. This will purify the water in your fountain, make it look fresh all the time and protect it against algae and other dangerous microorganisms, which is especially important if you have kids. Be sure to install a reliable UV water sterilizer that’s going to ensure your fountain is always spotless and can’t harm your children in any way.
Find the right spot
No matter how big your backyard is, you can always find room for a fountain – unless is super huge, of course, and the space you’re working with is rather limited. Keep in mind that these fountains are instantly going to become the focal point of your outdoor space, so make sure the spot you pick for them is properly illuminated and close to the center of your backyard. Also, you should be able to see your new fountain from inside the house as well, just to make sure it’s not covered with birds or other unwanted visitors.
Decorating the fountain
Being the focal points of your backyard, fountains can really come in handy during various celebrations because you can decorate them easily and thus bring the festivities into the outdoors as well. From adding various string lights and different ornaments to planting colorful flowers around them and putting on some music, you can really explore lots of options before you find the one that suits you and your family the most. You can even turn your fountain into an impromptu Christmas tree and ask your children to help you decorate it – that’s something they’ll definitely enjoy and you’ll become the coolest parent in the world in the blink of an eye.
Finding the perfect fountain sounds like a lot of work, but it’s actually quite easy if you know what you want and how to achieve the vision you’ve planned in your head. With so many options and variations out there, don’t go for anything less than perfect and make sure you’ve found a fountain your entire family is going to love.